Stand Up New York. New York City.
Selling "merchandise" after MC ing a show (It's a puppy…).

Yep. I'm worth 98. It was 200..but the other guy in the photo cancelled.
Tiananmen Square. I look suspect...
Kinda knowing how to pose for a photo. And I just slammed my head on a bannister.
Christine Aubrey

You've probably seen this one enough already. NEXT
Photo by Christine Aubrey
Cobb's Comedy Club. San Francisco. Opening for Jon Lajoie.

Absolute comedy Ottawa

At the Occupy Ottawa event Oct 15, 2011. My outfit was inspired by Banksy. Patrick Doyle from the Canadian Press took this photo. It was picked up by the Associated Press and was featured in major media around the world. In Canada, the Toronto Star, Ottawa Citizen. And in at least fourteen other news sources from Europe to Japan.

Ottawa Citizen Article. You're welcome, jerks!
The line up to get in to my show….you should have seen the line up to get out! HEYO!

THAT is a nice KIA!
Shanghai Auto Show.
On the Road…you find the strangest couches to crash on.
1000 islands.

As Steamtrain Goldpower. Don't I look like I would be a great dictator?
Hosting a Sexual Overtones show in a defunct church.
With my co host. Mussolini.
Sexual Overtones show.

That fuckin kid just stole my wallet! So that's what the expression "Shanghai'd" means.

The Time Traveller's Union. 2008-2011. CKCU FM OTTAWA. Amazing show.
Poster design: Oliver Gross

A show I produced at my old High School.
Monkey farming ain't all shits n giggles. But mostly.
Kyoto, Japan.

Stand Up New York. New York City.
Selling "merchandise" after MC ing a show (It's a puppy…).
Yep. I'm worth 98. It was 200..but the other guy in the photo cancelled.
Tiananmen Square. I look suspect...
Kinda knowing how to pose for a photo. And I just slammed my head on a bannister.
Christine Aubrey
You've probably seen this one enough already. NEXT
Photo by Christine Aubrey
Cobb's Comedy Club. San Francisco. Opening for Jon Lajoie.
Absolute comedy Ottawa
At the Occupy Ottawa event Oct 15, 2011. My outfit was inspired by Banksy. Patrick Doyle from the Canadian Press took this photo. It was picked up by the Associated Press and was featured in major media around the world. In Canada, the Toronto Star, Ottawa Citizen. And in at least fourteen other news sources from Europe to Japan.
Ottawa Citizen Article. You're welcome, jerks!
The line up to get in to my show….you should have seen the line up to get out! HEYO!
THAT is a nice KIA!
Shanghai Auto Show.
On the Road…you find the strangest couches to crash on.
1000 islands.
As Steamtrain Goldpower. Don't I look like I would be a great dictator?
Hosting a Sexual Overtones show in a defunct church.
With my co host. Mussolini.
Sexual Overtones show.
That fuckin kid just stole my wallet! So that's what the expression "Shanghai'd" means.
The Time Traveller's Union. 2008-2011. CKCU FM OTTAWA. Amazing show.
Poster design: Oliver Gross
A show I produced at my old High School.
Monkey farming ain't all shits n giggles. But mostly.
Kyoto, Japan.